Media & Accolades 8/9/2022Sharing Guests’ Heartwarming Feedback Over the nearly two decades of supporting guests and local community members, w...
Hints & Tips 7/12/2022Traveling the KUMANO KODO with Children Traveling with children can be a very fun and rewarding—if not exhausting and c...
Hints & Tips Eat & Drink 6/28/2022Finding Vegetarian & Vegan Options along the KUMANO KODO For many, dining at inns along the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi pilgrimage route i...
Places & Stories 6/20/2022Q & A with Local KUMANO KODO Guide Mike Rhodes Having a "Passion" for Japan Tanabe City Kumano Tourism Bureau consultant an...
Eat & Drink 4/27/2022Kumano Restaurants Awarded Michelin Status! For the first time ever, Wakayama prefecture in Japan was included in The Miche...
News & Updates 4/27/2022KUMANO KODO Guide Training Nurtures Local Resources As part of its ongoing mission to develop local guides and resources for the UN...
News & Updates 10/3/2020Preserving Japan’s Ancient Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Network Crowdfunding Campaign (Oct~Dec, 2020) The tangible and intangible benefits of Japan’s Kumano Kodo pilgrimage experien...
News & Updates 4/1/2020The World is One. We are the Same. “The world is one. We are the same”, has been an integral experience for people...
Hints & Tips 3/2/2020Dealing with Garbage on the Trail What do we do with our trash, Mike? I don't know where to throw it away? I...